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什么是MPA学位? 你需要知道的一切

Meaningful change starts with strong leaders who are capable of handling complex challenges. 这些人不仅有领导才能, they also have the education that creates the foundation for an exciting and impactful career. 

这种结合在公共行政领域特别有价值. 与其他呈现线性增长潜力的职业道路不同, 公共管理专业人士制定自己的路线, designing a future that meets their professional goals as well their desire to make a difference. 获得公共管理硕士学位(MPA)是一个很好的起点.


A Master of 公共 Administration (MPA) is a professional degree for leaders in the public and nonprofit sectors. Curricula combines traditional business and finance courses with public policy courses to prepare students to serve in high-level positions. 

大多数MPA项目, 比如十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供的课程, take about two years to complete depending on a student’s personal and work circumstances. If students need to consider work and family obligations that may conflict with in-person learning, 在线MPA学位课程可能是最好的选择.

选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.



MPA课程因教育机构而异, which is why it's important to find a program that presents a curriculum that supports your professional endeavors. 一个理想的项目不仅提供基础教育, it will also give you actionable skills that can be immediately applied to your position. 


  • 策略、协作与沟通: Think strategically about leading 组织 operating in a competitive political environment where collaboration is required to advance the organizational mission. 
  • 财务管理及预算: 学会使用基本预算, 会计, and financial 管理ment concepts and tools necessary for leading and managing government and nonprofit 组织. 
  • 主要的政府和非营利组织: 将行政决策和组织计划付诸实施, 运用领导概念, tools and interpersonal skills for working with individuals and groups to effectively execute administrative plans and make decisions. 
  • 管理决策方法: Students learn specific techniques for analyzing common administrative problems and how to use project 管理ment tools for effectively managing administrative projects. 
  • 政府的基础 & 非营利组织管理: Examine fundamental public service values that differentiate the mission and purpose of government and nonprofit 组织 from those of private, 以营利为目的, 组织. Learn to think systematically about delivering programs and improving organizational performance. 
  • 方法推理与定量分析: Become a critical consumer of academic research and professional reports and confidently apply statistical concepts and techniques for professional decision-making. 


有许多专业人士是获得MPA学位的理想人选. They work in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors in a wide variety of roles. 

“学士学位正在成为新的高中文凭, making the master’s degree an increasingly important way to differentiate yourself for positions in the field and to be effective as a leader and 管理r,亚历山大·赫克曼说, MPA, Ph.D. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行公共行政学系及项目主席.


A dynamic MPA program will prepare students for the unique opportunities and challenges that face professionals in this specific field. No mission-oriented institution can do without a leader who has specialized skills to drive change and empower transformation. Franklin’s MPA program prepares students to take on public administration leadership much the same way an MBA prepares a business executive. 
“A master’s degree is increasingly needed because these fields are getting more specialized and complex,赫克曼说。. “你需要更成熟的人, higher level of education to be able to understand the fields they’re dealing with and lead and 管理 in those areas.” 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供电流, 应用课程侧重于培养学生成为现实世界的实践者, upon graduation they’ll be ready to enter the workforce and immediately take on the top issues facing government and nonprofit 组织. 例如, experts in the field teach ways to navigate the political system from an organizational and professional perspective; real-world ethics and professionalism; critical thinking and process improvement; fundamental budgeting and financial analysis. The university also emphasizes critical skills that are not addressed in other programs including methodological reasoning, 战略组织沟通, 并将分析技术应用于决策和解决问题.
“Franklin’s program is balanced so you get insights and experience that you can apply to any sector,赫克曼说。. 


除了特殊的教育学生接受MPA, 一个充满机会的世界也变得触手可及. 从2021年到2031年,公共管理领域的工作岗位预计将增长7%, 让那些拥有MPA学位的人有机会影响现实, 在各个领域都有积极的变化.

  • 影响政治倡导与立法分析: 制定和支持研究和政策议程, 进行立法和政策研究, and work with public policy stakeholders to assess government and industry actions. 
  • 解决社区面临的重大问题: 领导战略规划和变革工作, 协调外部和内部服务以及政府间事务, 并对项目进行行政监督,以确保合规.
  • 营造以成功为导向的组织环境; 推动一流的人才管理, 领导和支持努力吸引, 招募, 管理, 激励高素质、有道德的员工, 培养促进员工多样性的组织文化.
  • 影响改变,帮助人们: 领导和支持政府关系, 社区外展, and other advocacy efforts in support of legislative and public policy priorities and organizational initiatives.

Earning an MPA is a smart investment for any purpose-driven professional who wants to achieve more and impact change, 和十大正规赌博平台大全排行transfer-friendly online program is the graduate degree program of choice for government and nonprofit 组织 seeking leadership talent. 

看看 十大正规赌博平台大全排行MPA 能帮助你获得硕士学位并开始你的职业发展吗.

Discover 10 of the most in-demand master's degrees based on salary and job growth.